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http://www.100md.com 2018年8月5日 《中国医学创新》 2018年第22期
     【摘要】 子痫前期是妊娠常见并发症,是导致全球孕产妇和围生儿发病率及病死率增高的主要原因,其发病机制仍未阐明,但已形成了多种学说,如胎盘浅着床学说、遗传学说、免疫学说。现就目前研究进展的热点做一综述,为相关的研究学者和临床医生提供参考。

    【关键词】 子痫前期; 病因学

    【Abstract】 Pre-eclampsia is a relatively common complication of pregnancy and the main cause of the higher incidence of global maternal and perinatal infants morbidity and mortality.The pathogenesis of preeclampsia has not been clarified,but many theories have been formed, such as placental shallow implantation,genetics,immunology.A summary of the hot spots of current research progress could provide a reference for the relevant scholars and clinicians.

    【Key words】 Pre-eclampsia; Etiology

    First-author’s address:The Second Hospital of Lanzhou University ......
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