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http://www.100md.com 2022年7月12日 中国医学创新 2022年第18期
     吕利军 常艳艳 高秋明 张凯

    【摘要】 膝外翻骨性关节炎在临床治疗中较膝内翻棘手,手术难度较大,畸形逐渐加重,需行全膝关节置换术,但该手术方式术后并发症发生率较高,患者经济负担重,多为终末期治疗方案,影响患者预后,因此研究股骨远端截骨矫形,恢复下肢力线,治疗膝外翻骨性关节炎意义较为重大,然而,国内外尚没有统一治疗标准,存在多种治疗方式,主流手术方式主要有内侧闭合截骨和外侧开放截骨术,故对股骨远端截骨治疗膝外翻骨性关节炎进行全面阐述,以供临床医师借鉴。

    【关键词】 股骨远端截骨 骨性关节炎 膝外翻

    Research Progress of Wedge Osteotomy of Distal Femur in the Treatment of Genu Valgus/LYU Lijun, CHANG Yanyan, GAO Qiuming, ZHANG Kai. //Medical Innovation of China, 2022, 19(18): -180

    [Abstract] In clinical treatment, valgus osteoarthritis is more difficult than varus osteoarthritis, the operation is more difficult, its deformity is getting worse, so total knee replacement is needed. However, the incidence of postoperative complications is higher and the economic burden of patients is heavy, and most of them are end-stage treatment schemes, which affects the prognosis of patients. Therefore, it is of great significance to study osteotomy and correction of distal femur ......

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