【摘要】 目的:介绍避免上肢医源性桡神经损伤的体会。方法:2006年5月-2012年10月,笔者所在医院收治上肢医源性桡神经损伤7例,分析其损伤原因及功能恢复情况。结果:本组7例患者均获得11~15个月随访,平均(13.0±1.2)个月。探查见桡神经不完全性损伤2例,完全性损伤5例;上臂中段桡神经沟处4例,上臂远段穿出外侧肌间隔处1例,前臂上段旋后肌止点处2例;内固定物及骨折端卡压5例,术中直接损伤2例;神经修复术后1年以上功能完全恢复3例,部分恢复2例,无恢复2例。结论:熟悉桡神经的走行,术中显露并保护桡神经可有效避免上肢医源性桡神经损伤。
【关键词】 上肢; 医源性; 桡神经损伤
中图分类号 R683.41 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2013)33-0168-02
The Comprehend of Evading Iatrogenic Radial Nerve Injury of Upper Limb/ZOU Wen,ZOU Yong,LIU Rong-zhen,et al.//Chinese and Foreign Medical Research,2013,11(33):168-169
【Abstract】 Objective:To introduce the comprehend of evading iatrogenic radial nerve injury of upper limb.Method:Between May 2006 to October 2012,7 patients of iatrogenic radial nerve injury of upper limb were treated in our hospital,to analyze the injury cause and functional recovery.Result:All patients were followed average (13.0±1.2)months(11-15 months).2 patients were immaturity radial nerve injury,5 patients were complete radial nerve injury;4 patients located groove for radial nerve,1 patient located lateral muscle compartment,2 patients located forearm supinator insertion;5 patients were stamped by internal fixation or bone fracture,2 patients were intraoperative coup injury;3 patients were complete recovery,2 patients were partial recovery,2 patients were no recovery.Conclusion:The method of familiarity radial nerve anatomy and acting out to safeguard was a modus operandi to evade iatrogenic radial nerve injury of upper limb.
【Key words】 Upper limb; Iatrogenic; Radial nerve injury
First-author’s address:The Second People’s Hospital of Yibin,Yibin 644000,China
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 手术方法
臂丛麻醉生效,患者仰卧,患肢置于侧台上,常规消毒铺巾。上臂经前外侧切口(多为原切口)进入,其余部位经原切口进入。小心仔细解剖松解显露神经,术中见神经部分断裂2例,神经完全断裂5例,神经缺损l cm以内者予以断端直接吻合,上臂部神经缺损过多、断端无法直接吻合者,将神经移位于肱骨前方进行吻合,保持神经断端无张力状态。1例肱骨中段桡神经主干严重损伤,无法修复神经而行肌转位功能重建[2]。
1.3 术后处理
术后常规防感染,适时换药,术后2周拆线,石膏外固定4~6周,加强石膏固定以外关节的功能锻炼,石膏取除后加强原石膏固定关节(多为肘关节)功能锻炼。可应用鼠神经生长因子,28 d为一疗程。
2 结果
本组7例患者均获得随访11~15个月,平均(13.0±1.2)个月。术中探查见桡神经损伤情况:不完全性损伤2例,完全性损伤5例;发生部位:上臂中段桡神经沟处4例,上臂远段穿出外侧肌间隔处1例,前臂上段旋后肌止点处2例;损伤原因:内固定物及骨折端卡压5例,术中直接损伤2例。神经修复术后功能恢复情况:术后1年以上功能完全恢复3例,部分恢复2例,无恢复2例。, http://www.100md.com(邹文 邹勇 刘容珍 许海燕)
【关键词】 上肢; 医源性; 桡神经损伤
中图分类号 R683.41 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2013)33-0168-02
The Comprehend of Evading Iatrogenic Radial Nerve Injury of Upper Limb/ZOU Wen,ZOU Yong,LIU Rong-zhen,et al.//Chinese and Foreign Medical Research,2013,11(33):168-169
【Abstract】 Objective:To introduce the comprehend of evading iatrogenic radial nerve injury of upper limb.Method:Between May 2006 to October 2012,7 patients of iatrogenic radial nerve injury of upper limb were treated in our hospital,to analyze the injury cause and functional recovery.Result:All patients were followed average (13.0±1.2)months(11-15 months).2 patients were immaturity radial nerve injury,5 patients were complete radial nerve injury;4 patients located groove for radial nerve,1 patient located lateral muscle compartment,2 patients located forearm supinator insertion;5 patients were stamped by internal fixation or bone fracture,2 patients were intraoperative coup injury;3 patients were complete recovery,2 patients were partial recovery,2 patients were no recovery.Conclusion:The method of familiarity radial nerve anatomy and acting out to safeguard was a modus operandi to evade iatrogenic radial nerve injury of upper limb.
【Key words】 Upper limb; Iatrogenic; Radial nerve injury
First-author’s address:The Second People’s Hospital of Yibin,Yibin 644000,China
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 手术方法
臂丛麻醉生效,患者仰卧,患肢置于侧台上,常规消毒铺巾。上臂经前外侧切口(多为原切口)进入,其余部位经原切口进入。小心仔细解剖松解显露神经,术中见神经部分断裂2例,神经完全断裂5例,神经缺损l cm以内者予以断端直接吻合,上臂部神经缺损过多、断端无法直接吻合者,将神经移位于肱骨前方进行吻合,保持神经断端无张力状态。1例肱骨中段桡神经主干严重损伤,无法修复神经而行肌转位功能重建[2]。
1.3 术后处理
术后常规防感染,适时换药,术后2周拆线,石膏外固定4~6周,加强石膏固定以外关节的功能锻炼,石膏取除后加强原石膏固定关节(多为肘关节)功能锻炼。可应用鼠神经生长因子,28 d为一疗程。
2 结果
本组7例患者均获得随访11~15个月,平均(13.0±1.2)个月。术中探查见桡神经损伤情况:不完全性损伤2例,完全性损伤5例;发生部位:上臂中段桡神经沟处4例,上臂远段穿出外侧肌间隔处1例,前臂上段旋后肌止点处2例;损伤原因:内固定物及骨折端卡压5例,术中直接损伤2例。神经修复术后功能恢复情况:术后1年以上功能完全恢复3例,部分恢复2例,无恢复2例。, http://www.100md.com(邹文 邹勇 刘容珍 许海燕)