【摘要】 目的:研究二氧化皓全瓷系统在口腔修复中的具体应用问题,根据临床资料,探究二氧化皓全瓷系统的临床应用价值。方法:选择笔者所在医院2014年1-10月收治的23例烤瓷冠修复前牙患者,给予二氧化皓全瓷系统修复,观察修复前后,患者牙龈疾病状态是否有效改善,有没有出现牙龈红肿、出血、黑线等不良反应。结果:修复后,23例患者龈沟出血评估合格率为100%,0级15例、1级8例,明显优于修复前,3级7例,4级16例,随访6个月后,患者牙龈均没有出现任何不良反应。结论:二氧化皓全瓷系统在临床口腔修复工作中的应用效果与能力都十分显著,不但能够在修复操作中充分保护牙龈健康,降低龈沟出血率,还能优化患者口腔健康状态,值得临床推广应用。
【关键词】 二氧化皓; 全瓷系统; 口腔修复; 临床研究
中图分类号 R783.1 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2015)26-0017-02
Clinical Research of Zirconium Dioxide Full Porcelain System Used in Dental Restorations/ZHOU Jing-yan.//Chinese and Foreign Medical Research,2015,13(26):17-18
【Abstract】 Objective:To study the zirconium dioxide full porcelain system in the application of oral cavity repair problems,according to clinical data,to explore the clinical value of white porcelain system dioxide.Method:23 cases of patients with PFM crown restoration in anterior teeth in author’s hospital from January to October 2014 were selected,they were given oxide porcelain system repair,observing if the gum disease state was effectively improve,and observed if they had adverse reaction such as swollen gums,bleeding gums, the black line,and other adverse reactions.Result:after repairing,the 23 cases of patients with gingival sulcus bleeding assess the percent of pass was 100%,15 cases were level 0,8 cases were level 1,that was much better than before,7 cases were level 3.16 cases were level 4.All the patients were without any adverse reaction after 6 months.Conclusion:The zirconium dioxide full porcelain system clinical application of dental restoration effect and ability is very significant,it can not only fully protect healthy gums in the repair operations,reduce the gingival sulcus bleeding rate,but also optimize the oral health status in patients.So it’s worthy of clinical popularization and application.
【Key words】 Zirconium Dioxide; All the porcelain system; Oral repair; Clinical research
First-author’s address:Dental Disease Prevention of Yixing City,Yixing 214241,China
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
本次研究选择笔者所在医院2014年1-10月收治的23例烤瓷冠修复前牙患者为研究对象,其中男15例,占比65.22%,女8例,占比34.78%。年龄13~75岁,平均(43.22±4.52)岁。经初步诊断,患者均有不同程度的口腔疾病,其中牙体病变4例、牙齿位置迁移、异常生长11例、牙齿切角缺损2例、氟斑牙1例、四环素牙5例。, 百拇医药(周静艳)
【关键词】 二氧化皓; 全瓷系统; 口腔修复; 临床研究
中图分类号 R783.1 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2015)26-0017-02
Clinical Research of Zirconium Dioxide Full Porcelain System Used in Dental Restorations/ZHOU Jing-yan.//Chinese and Foreign Medical Research,2015,13(26):17-18
【Abstract】 Objective:To study the zirconium dioxide full porcelain system in the application of oral cavity repair problems,according to clinical data,to explore the clinical value of white porcelain system dioxide.Method:23 cases of patients with PFM crown restoration in anterior teeth in author’s hospital from January to October 2014 were selected,they were given oxide porcelain system repair,observing if the gum disease state was effectively improve,and observed if they had adverse reaction such as swollen gums,bleeding gums, the black line,and other adverse reactions.Result:after repairing,the 23 cases of patients with gingival sulcus bleeding assess the percent of pass was 100%,15 cases were level 0,8 cases were level 1,that was much better than before,7 cases were level 3.16 cases were level 4.All the patients were without any adverse reaction after 6 months.Conclusion:The zirconium dioxide full porcelain system clinical application of dental restoration effect and ability is very significant,it can not only fully protect healthy gums in the repair operations,reduce the gingival sulcus bleeding rate,but also optimize the oral health status in patients.So it’s worthy of clinical popularization and application.
【Key words】 Zirconium Dioxide; All the porcelain system; Oral repair; Clinical research
First-author’s address:Dental Disease Prevention of Yixing City,Yixing 214241,China
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
本次研究选择笔者所在医院2014年1-10月收治的23例烤瓷冠修复前牙患者为研究对象,其中男15例,占比65.22%,女8例,占比34.78%。年龄13~75岁,平均(43.22±4.52)岁。经初步诊断,患者均有不同程度的口腔疾病,其中牙体病变4例、牙齿位置迁移、异常生长11例、牙齿切角缺损2例、氟斑牙1例、四环素牙5例。, 百拇医药(周静艳)