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http://www.100md.com 2015年6月15日 延边医学 2015年第17期


    Abstract : objective: to study the different times and different characteristics of patients with suspected tuberculosis implementation of mycobacterium tuberculosis sputum smear results. Selection methods: our hospital in December 2013 - December 2013, admitted during the period of 120 patients with suspected tuberculosis as the research object, the 120 patients were selected respectively in the morning sputum, timely sputum, evening the three periods and mucus, bloody sputum, saliva sputum these three traits of the implementation of sputum mycobacterium tuberculosis with sputum examination, combined with bacillus positive detection rate. Results: in the three periods of sputum mycobacterium tuberculosis in the positive detection rate was 17.5% (7/40), 2.5% (1/40), 22.5% (9/40), three kinds of different traits combined with bacillus in sputum positive detection rate respectively 12.5. % (5/40), 37.5% (15/40), 2.5% (1/40). Conclusion: the combination in patients with suspected tuberculosis bacillus sputum smear examination, can choose the morning sputum and evening as sputum test specimen, also can choose bloody sputum samples as samples, to promote combination of bacillus positive detection rate.
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    Keywords :bacteria; Sputum smear examination; Results analysis





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    粘液痰标本结合杆菌的阳性检出率为12.5%,血性样痰标本结核杆菌阳性检出率为37.5%,唾液痰标本阳性标本阳性检出率为2.5%,不同性状痰液标本间的阳性检出率之间具有较大的差异性(P<0.05),具体统计结果如表2所示。, http://www.100md.com(唐玲)
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