Abstract: Objective: To discuss and analyze the clinical curative effects of Chinese medicine acupuncture on patients with ulcerative colitis. Methods: 96 cases of ulcerative colitis patients received treatment in out hospital at the time of July 2012 to July 2014 were randomly selected. The patients were randomly divided into two groups. Respectively, one as a control group (48) and the other as an observation group (48). The control group received conventional western medicine treatment, and Chinese medicine acupuncture treatment was implemented to treat the patients in the observation group. The clinical curative effects of the two groups of patients were compared. Results: The total effective rate of the clinical treatment in the observation group was 91.67%, which was significantly higher than the 77.08% of the control group, P<0.05, the difference had statistical significance. Conclusion: The application of Chinese medicine acupuncture treatment into the clinical treatment of ulcerative colitis patients, can significantly improve the living quality of the patients, improve the patients’ clinical curative effects, it is worthy of popularizing in clinical practice.
, 百拇医药
Keywords: Experience; acupuncture; ulcerative colitis.
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
, 百拇医药
1.2 方法
对观察组患者实施中医针灸进行治疗,其具体治疗方法为:取患者的有效针灸位为仰卧位,依次对患者的关元、天枢、气海、大肠俞、长强、于三阴、足三里进行有效针刺,其中关元、天枢、气海穴位的针刺深度为1寸到2寸之间,留针时间为15分钟,每隔5分钟对患者进行一次针刺;其中长强穴位的针刺深度应控制在0.5寸到1寸之间,留针时间为15分钟,每隔5分钟对患者进行一次针刺;对大肠俞穴位采取斜向脊柱进行针刺,其针刺深度为1.5寸到2寸之间,留针时间为15分钟,每隔5分钟对患者进行一次针刺;对三阴交、足三里穴位处采用直刺进行针刺,其针刺深度为1.5寸到2寸之间,得气后有效留针15到20分钟,每隔1分钟对患者进行一次针刺。, 百拇医药(廖晓红)
Abstract: Objective: To discuss and analyze the clinical curative effects of Chinese medicine acupuncture on patients with ulcerative colitis. Methods: 96 cases of ulcerative colitis patients received treatment in out hospital at the time of July 2012 to July 2014 were randomly selected. The patients were randomly divided into two groups. Respectively, one as a control group (48) and the other as an observation group (48). The control group received conventional western medicine treatment, and Chinese medicine acupuncture treatment was implemented to treat the patients in the observation group. The clinical curative effects of the two groups of patients were compared. Results: The total effective rate of the clinical treatment in the observation group was 91.67%, which was significantly higher than the 77.08% of the control group, P<0.05, the difference had statistical significance. Conclusion: The application of Chinese medicine acupuncture treatment into the clinical treatment of ulcerative colitis patients, can significantly improve the living quality of the patients, improve the patients’ clinical curative effects, it is worthy of popularizing in clinical practice.
, 百拇医药
Keywords: Experience; acupuncture; ulcerative colitis.
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
, 百拇医药
1.2 方法
对观察组患者实施中医针灸进行治疗,其具体治疗方法为:取患者的有效针灸位为仰卧位,依次对患者的关元、天枢、气海、大肠俞、长强、于三阴、足三里进行有效针刺,其中关元、天枢、气海穴位的针刺深度为1寸到2寸之间,留针时间为15分钟,每隔5分钟对患者进行一次针刺;其中长强穴位的针刺深度应控制在0.5寸到1寸之间,留针时间为15分钟,每隔5分钟对患者进行一次针刺;对大肠俞穴位采取斜向脊柱进行针刺,其针刺深度为1.5寸到2寸之间,留针时间为15分钟,每隔5分钟对患者进行一次针刺;对三阴交、足三里穴位处采用直刺进行针刺,其针刺深度为1.5寸到2寸之间,得气后有效留针15到20分钟,每隔1分钟对患者进行一次针刺。, 百拇医药(廖晓红)