【摘要】本文引用联合国经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的知识经济概念框架,探讨知识经济来临之际“知识”界定和分类对医学情报研究的影响和启示。【关键词】知识 知识经济 知识论 意会知识 医学情报研究
Meaning and Classification 0f Knowledge iIl Knowledge Economy and It's Enlighten on the Study of Medical Information Science
Lu ZhangkengXie Chaofeng Shanghai Medical Information Center,Shanghai 200031
【Abstract】This article quotes OECD thinking,“meaning and classification of knowledge in knowledge:economy”.studies the meaning and classification Of healthcare knowledge in knowledge economy,and analyzes Its enlighten on the study of medical information science
【Keywords】knowledge knowledge economy epistemology or theory of knowledge tacit knowledge the study of medical information scienceon
人类社会的发展历经了不同的经济时代:远古数百万年主宰人类的是狩猎与采集经济;近三万年随着农业的兴起与发展取而代之的是农业经济;公元17、18世纪由于科学技术的进步推动了产业革命 ......
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