【关健词】活血祛瘀 醒脑开窍针刺法 急性期 出血性中风
, 百拇医药
The needle poisons and uses the curing bleeding nature apoplexy 86 examples clinical observation
Zeng ShaolinLiu XiaotangWang ShixinZhang WannengLi Chunru
【Abstract】Purpose: The medicine different time is applied invigorating the circulation of blood driving away stagnating is reached being awake brain inducing resuscitation prods the curative effect following 86 examples curing impatient bleeding nature apoplexy scheduled time, observing. Method: The random divides bleeding nature apoplexy into 3 set, on the basis controlling blood pressure in routine, conquering skull inner pressure, the braking and maintaining water, electrolyte balance and so on is cured, 3 Heaven’s Queen, 7 Heaven’s Queen and the queens in January give blood Saitong 0.5 or Xiangdan does acupuncture in respectively in diseasedness 30 ml add 5% GS250ml, the glycuresis patient uses 0.9% N.S250ml) to drip quietly, Enlightened acupuncture of brain law cures a Japanese time in coordination with being awake, the equal 14 day is a course of treatment, 2 Heaven’s Queen start a rest appraising a curative effect after second courses of treatment, 1 months. Cure result: A forms 26 effective examples, always have efficiency 86.7%; B forms 24 effective examples, always have efficiency 92.3%; C forms 20 effective examples, always have efficiency 66.7%. Two set of A, B obvious better than that C forms, the degree curing front and back A, B two set of trouble limb muscle level and the disease and deformity has (P<0.01) obviously equally. Conclusion: In conquering skull pressure actively, on the basis controlling blood pressure, taking precautions against complication’s, timely application invigorates the circulation of blood driving away stagnating injectable solution and be awake prod law, but notable enlightened brain rise has efficiency, reduces a case fatality rate, the sorption reinforcing later stage haematoma, indicates impatient scheduled time (within 3 Heaven’s Queen, 10 days) being put into use invigorating the circulation of blood driving away stagnating to poison the reach acupuncture and moxibustion physiotherapy having safety, effective characteristic.
, 百拇医药
【Keywords】Invigorate the circulation of blood driving away stagnating Be awake enlightened acupuncture of brain law Impatient scheduled time Bleeding nature apoplexy
近些年来,中风、心血管病、恶性肿瘤、糖尿病已构成人类四大死亡原因,尤其是中风,以它发病率、死亡率,致残率、复发率高的四高特点,严重威胁着人们的生命和健康。其中脑出血占所有脑卒中病人的10~20%,它是以卒然昏仆,不省人事,伴口眼歪斜,半身不遂,语言不利或不经昏仆,而仅以半身不遂为主症的一种疾病。古代医家认识到“血苑于土,使人薄厥”。(《素问·玉机真脏论篇》)可见中风病变部位,主要在脑,综历代医家之经验,认识到本病发生主要在于肝阳化风,气血并逆,直冲犯脑,根据“血溢脉外则为瘀”的观点,我科结合国内外文献报告,在治疗出血性中风中作了积极探索,取得了良好的临床疗效。, http://www.100md.com(曾绍林 刘晓棠 王世新 张万能 李春如)
【关健词】活血祛瘀 醒脑开窍针刺法 急性期 出血性中风
, 百拇医药
The needle poisons and uses the curing bleeding nature apoplexy 86 examples clinical observation
Zeng ShaolinLiu XiaotangWang ShixinZhang WannengLi Chunru
【Abstract】Purpose: The medicine different time is applied invigorating the circulation of blood driving away stagnating is reached being awake brain inducing resuscitation prods the curative effect following 86 examples curing impatient bleeding nature apoplexy scheduled time, observing. Method: The random divides bleeding nature apoplexy into 3 set, on the basis controlling blood pressure in routine, conquering skull inner pressure, the braking and maintaining water, electrolyte balance and so on is cured, 3 Heaven’s Queen, 7 Heaven’s Queen and the queens in January give blood Saitong 0.5 or Xiangdan does acupuncture in respectively in diseasedness 30 ml add 5% GS250ml, the glycuresis patient uses 0.9% N.S250ml) to drip quietly, Enlightened acupuncture of brain law cures a Japanese time in coordination with being awake, the equal 14 day is a course of treatment, 2 Heaven’s Queen start a rest appraising a curative effect after second courses of treatment, 1 months. Cure result: A forms 26 effective examples, always have efficiency 86.7%; B forms 24 effective examples, always have efficiency 92.3%; C forms 20 effective examples, always have efficiency 66.7%. Two set of A, B obvious better than that C forms, the degree curing front and back A, B two set of trouble limb muscle level and the disease and deformity has (P<0.01) obviously equally. Conclusion: In conquering skull pressure actively, on the basis controlling blood pressure, taking precautions against complication’s, timely application invigorates the circulation of blood driving away stagnating injectable solution and be awake prod law, but notable enlightened brain rise has efficiency, reduces a case fatality rate, the sorption reinforcing later stage haematoma, indicates impatient scheduled time (within 3 Heaven’s Queen, 10 days) being put into use invigorating the circulation of blood driving away stagnating to poison the reach acupuncture and moxibustion physiotherapy having safety, effective characteristic.
, 百拇医药
【Keywords】Invigorate the circulation of blood driving away stagnating Be awake enlightened acupuncture of brain law Impatient scheduled time Bleeding nature apoplexy
近些年来,中风、心血管病、恶性肿瘤、糖尿病已构成人类四大死亡原因,尤其是中风,以它发病率、死亡率,致残率、复发率高的四高特点,严重威胁着人们的生命和健康。其中脑出血占所有脑卒中病人的10~20%,它是以卒然昏仆,不省人事,伴口眼歪斜,半身不遂,语言不利或不经昏仆,而仅以半身不遂为主症的一种疾病。古代医家认识到“血苑于土,使人薄厥”。(《素问·玉机真脏论篇》)可见中风病变部位,主要在脑,综历代医家之经验,认识到本病发生主要在于肝阳化风,气血并逆,直冲犯脑,根据“血溢脉外则为瘀”的观点,我科结合国内外文献报告,在治疗出血性中风中作了积极探索,取得了良好的临床疗效。, http://www.100md.com(曾绍林 刘晓棠 王世新 张万能 李春如)