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中图分类号:R927.2文献标识码: A文章编号: 1814-8824(2007)-7-0006-02
摘要:目的 研究百合多糖含量测定中苯酚-硫酸比色的微量快速测定。方法 吸取所需测定吸光度的样品200μl于96孔培养板的孔中,在酶标仪上492nm波长处扫描。结果 标准曲线的回归方程为A=0.0180C-0.0042,r=0.9958,市售百合的多糖含量为16.258%,RSD%=1.902%,平均回收率为100.4%。结论 酶标仪测定比分光光度计测定取样量少、简便、快捷。
关键词 百合多糖 苯酚-硫酸比色法 酶标仪 分光光度计
Rapid microdetermination in Phenol-Sulfuric Acid Colorimetry on content of polysaccharide in Lilium Brownii.Bi Hua,Ren Hua-yi.People’s Hospital of Tujia-Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Xinangxi,Huan,416000,China.
【Abstract】Objective To set up a Rapid microdetermination in Phenol-Sulfuric acid Colorrimetry on content of polysaccharide in Lilium Brownii.Methods With Microplate Research Reader (A=492nm)to determine A of each sample.Results The linear regression equations of the standard curve is A=0.0180C-0.0042,r=0.9958,The polysaccharide content in Lilium Brownii.is 16.258%,RSD%=1.902%,mean recovery ratio is 100.4%,Conclusion Compared with that of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer,with Microplate Research Reader to determine content of polysaccharide in Lilium Brownii.has the advantage of microdetermination、rapidness and simple in operation. ......
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