中图分类号:R243文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1814-8824(2007)-11-0001-02
摘要:目的 阐述临床常见中草药的新功效。方法 通过对麻黄、丹参、红花、西洋参、山楂、益母草等6味中草药的药效进行分析。结果 上述6味中草药有新的功效。
关键词 常见中草药 新功效
The New Efficacy of Several Chinese Herbs in Clinical.Che Guo-rong.Jiurongpo Branch Company Affiliated to Chongqing Medicine Limited Company .Chongqing 400050,Sichuan,China.
【Abstract】Objective To discribe the new clinical efficacy of several Chinese herbs.Method The efficacy of six chinese herbs such as ephedra salvia safflower ,american ginseng ,hawthorn ,leonurus were analyzed.Conclusion The experiment result indicates that this six chinese herbs have new efficacy.
【Key words】Several Chinese herbs; The new efficacy
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