中图分类号:R781.5+9 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1814-8824(2008)-9-0023-02
摘要:目的 观察综合治疗口腔扁平苔藓的最佳临床效果。方法 随机选取临床就诊口腔扁平苔藓病患者180例作为研究对象,将患者随机分成三组,第一组,采用漱口液清洁口腔、超声波洁牙机清除菌斑牙石、调磨牙尖等方法清除口腔内刺激因素,另给甲硝唑口服一周,再用得宝松注射液加平阳霉素局部注射于损害部位黏膜下,每周1次,4周一个疗程;第二组,不用平阳霉素,其余同上;第三组,只用得宝松。结果 第一组有效率为98.3%,第二组有效率为91.7%,第三组有效率为83.3%。结论 采用清除口腔内刺激因素后,用得宝松、平阳霉素局部注射于损害部位黏膜下的综合治疗,可作为治疗扁平苔藓的有效、安全的方法之一。
关键词 口腔扁平苔藓 综合治疗 清创 得宝松 平阳霉素
180 Cases of Combined Therapy Analysis in Oral Lichen Planus.Zhang Xue-han.Guangfu central health center, Guang'an District,Guang an City,638000,Sichuan,China.
【Abstract】Objective observe the best clinic effect of combined therapy in oral lichen planus.Methods Select 180 cases of clinic oral lichen planus patients randomly and divide them into three groups. The first group cleans the oral stimulating factors by using gargle to clean mouth, ultrasonic tooth-cleaner to clean plaque dental calculus and adjustment cusp etc., besides, given oral Metronidazole one week and Debason injection with Bleomycin A_5 locally injected in the mucosa of damage sector once a week and four weeks as a course. The second group takes the same way as the first group except without bleomycin A_5. The third group only uses Debason.Results The effective rate for the three groups are respectively 98.3%, 91.7% and 83.3%.Conclusion The combined therapy of using Debason and bleomycin A_5 locally injected in the mucosa of damage sector after cleaned the oral stimulating factors can be one of the effective and safety methods in lichen planus treatment. ......
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