摘要子宫内膜异位症( endometriosis, EM) 是指具有生长功能的子宫内膜组织(腺体和间质) 出现在子宫腔以外的身体其他部位并种植生长而产生的病变,表现为痛经、骨盆疼痛、腰背及下腹部疼痛、性交痛和排尿痛等,以痛经、慢性骨盆疼痛及不孕为主,是严重危害女性健康的难治疾病,截止到目前其发病机制及治疗还存在多方面的问题,本文就这两方面问题做一简介。关键词子宫内膜异位症;病机;治疗
AbstractEndometriosis is a common gynecological disorder that is defined by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. This disease often results in extensive morbidity, including Dysmenorrhoea, chronic pelvic pain ,Lower abdominal pain or back pain ,Dyspareunia and Pain onmicturition ,the most popular symptom is Dysmenorrhoea ,chronic pelvic pain and infertility. The pathogenesis of endometriosis is likely multifactorial and extensive, until now there are still many problems in its pathogenesis and treatment,this presentation is about the two aspects above.
Samp son最早提出月经期脱落的子宫内膜碎片可以随经血从输卵管流入腹腔,种植在卵巢表面、盆腔腹膜和子宫直肠凹陷,继续生长,甚至蔓延 ......
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