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http://www.100md.com 2008年8月1日 《医学发展》 2008年第8期


    Abstract Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of PPH in treating severe hemorrhoids. Methods328patients with severe hemorrhoids performed surgical therapy with PPH.ResultsThe meanduration of operation was 16 mins and that of hospitalization was 3 days. Distinctive postoperative bleeding was found in 13 cases. 127 patients needed analgesic application, 1 case of recurrence was found. none rectovaginal fistula was occurred. After short time tracking, none ofserious infection , anal stenosis and incontinence were found. But long term efficacy did not known. ConclusionSurgical therapy with PPH is effective and simple intreatment of severe hemorrhoids with less postoperative complications andshorter hospitalized time.

    Key wordssevere hemorrhoids;PPH(Procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids)

    吻合器直肠粘膜环切术(PPH)是基于对肛垫学说的全新认识而提出来的 ......

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