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http://www.100md.com 2008年8月1日 《医学发展》 2008年第8期

     摘 要目的:探讨地肤子醇提物的止痒作用。方法:选用二种瘙痒模型,观察不同剂量。地肤子醇提物对实验动物全身和局部皮肤瘙痒的影响。结果:在止痒实验中,地肤子醇提物能明显降低右旋糖酐诱导的小鼠瘙痒发作次数及瘙痒持续时间,并可增加豚鼠耐受磷酸组织胺的致痒阈。结论:地肤子醇提物具有良好的止痒作用。


    Abstract obiective:To study the effects of Kochia acoparia-alcohol extract on antipruritus. Methods:The effects of antipruritus of two doses of Kochia acoparia-alcohol extract were observed by itching models such as systemic or local skin pruritus of experimental animal. Results:In antipruritus assay,Kochia acoparia-alcohol extract could decrease scratching frequency and duration induced by dextran ,and increase itch-threshold of cavy caused by histamine phosphate. Conclusion:Kochia acoparia-alcohol extract has significant effects of antipruritus.

    Key words Kochia acoparia-alcohol extract; Antipruritus action; mice; Cavy; Histamine

    地肤子醇提物是经过长期临床实践证明疗效确凿的一味中药的有效部位 ......

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