【摘 要】本文通过对烧伤病人应用磨痂术、换药两种治疗方法,对病人的体温,治疗结果产生明显对比。得出磨痂组患者的治疗优于换药组病人。
【关键词】磨痂术 换药 烧伤病人 体温
【Abstract】Based on the burn patients treated with dermabrasion, dressing two method of treatment, the patient's body temperature, treatment results in obvious contrast. The treatment group were better than in dermabrasion group patients.
【Key words】Dermabrasion; Dressing; Burn patients; Body temperature
1. 1磨痂疗法本组患者76例 ......
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【关键词】磨痂术 换药 烧伤病人 体温
【Abstract】Based on the burn patients treated with dermabrasion, dressing two method of treatment, the patient's body temperature, treatment results in obvious contrast. The treatment group were better than in dermabrasion group patients.
【Key words】Dermabrasion; Dressing; Burn patients; Body temperature
1. 1磨痂疗法本组患者76例 ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 2992 字符。