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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 于新芹 朱刚聚 黎明 夏清章


     【摘要】 目的:观察自拟消肾清炎汤加减治疗小儿急性肾炎的疗效。方法:将60 例急性肾炎患儿随机分为两组, 治疗组30例采用自拟消肾清炎汤加减与常规西药治疗, 对照组30例采用常规西药治疗, 疗程均为2 周。观察治疗前后两组在临床治愈率、总有效率、临床症状和体征的消失时间、复发率、治疗疗程的变化情况。结果: 治疗组的临床治愈率、有效率均高于对照组; 治疗组的临床症状、体征的消失时间、复发率均较对照组低, 治疗疗程也较对照组短。结论: 中西医结合治疗小儿急性肾炎能够显著改善小儿急性肾炎患者的临床症状与体征, 提高并稳定疗效、缩短疗程、减少复发。

    【关键词】 小儿急性肾炎;自拟消肾清炎汤加减;中西医结合

    Consumer self Qingyan Decoction renal acute nephritis in children

    (1.Zhu Qin Gang at a new dawn of a summer clear poly 1 Chapter 2

    1, Qingzhou, Shandong People's Hospital Pharmacy ;

    2.Weifang City, Fort yellow Fangzi District Center Hospital 262500 )

    【Abstract】Objective: To observe the self consumption Qingyan decoction for treatment of renal acute nephritis. Methods: 60 cases of acute nephritis were randomly divided into two groups, treatment group, 30 cases were self Qingyan decoction of renal elimination of conventional western medicine, the control group of 30 patients treated with conventional western medicine, a course of 2 weeks. Before and after treatment groups in clinical cure rate, the total efficiency, the disappearance of clinical symptoms and signs of the time, the recurrence rate, changes in treatment regimens. Results: The clinical cure rate, effective rate control group; the treatment group of clinical symptoms and signs of lost time, lower recurrence rate than the control group, treatment regimens shorter than the control group. Conclusion: Integrative treatment of acute nephritis in children can significantly improve clinical symptoms in patients with acute nephritis and signs, improve and stabilize the efficacy, shorten the course of treatment, reduce recurrence.

    【Key words】acute nephritis; self Qingyan decoction of renal elimination; Integrative Medicine

    急性肾炎是一种以肾脏病变为主的全身性变态反应性疾病, 临床表现以全身浮肿、蛋白尿、血尿、高血压为其特征,本研究对2004年5月- 2008年8月我院小儿急性肾炎患者应用自拟消肾清炎汤加减治疗, 取得较好疗效,现报道如下。



    60例患儿均为我院住院病人,全部按照实用儿科学(第六版)[1]诊断标准确诊。将病例随机分为观察组与对照组。观察组30例,男18例,女12例;年龄3~16岁,平均年龄( 9.20±0.69)岁; 病程(5.86±0.44) d;前驱期上呼吸道感染15例,扁桃腺炎3例,皮肤感染12例;头面部浮肿10例,全身浮肿18例;血压升高者21例,合并心力衰竭1例,合并高血压脑病1例,暂时氮质血症3例;尿蛋白+4例, ++19例, +++ 5例;尿红细胞+2例,++11例, +++9例, ++++3例,肉眼血尿3例。对照组30例,男19例,女11例;年龄3~16岁,平均年龄(9.30±0.71)岁;病程(5.76 ±0.42) d;前驱期有上呼吸道感染14例,扁桃腺炎5例,皮肤感染9例;头面部浮肿13例,全身浮肿15例;血压升高者19例,合并心力衰竭1例,高血压脑病2例,暂时氮质血症4例;尿蛋白+5例,++18 例,+++5例;尿红细胞+2例,++10例,+++10例,++++3例,肉眼血尿3例。两组在年龄、性别及临床表现等方面差异无显著性意义( P < 0. 05) ,具有可比性。



    两组均给予卧床休息, 严重病例低盐低蛋白饮食, 常规青霉素10~15万u/kg·d 加5%葡萄糖溶液150~250ml静滴2周, 如对青霉素过敏者改用红霉素等。

    1.2.2根据病情给予相关对症处理: ①利尿用双氢克尿噻1~2mg/kg·d分3次口服, 对少尿、重度水肿或严重循环充血者,可用速尿1~2mg/kg加10%葡萄糖10ml 缓慢静推, 4~6h 可重复; ②降压用硝苯吡啶0 ......
