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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 刁友香 张娜 朱秀平


     【摘要】 目的:探讨预防性光照疗法和综合护理干预对早产儿高胆红素血症的影响。方法:将160 例早产儿随机分为两组各80 例。对照组接受常规治疗和护理, 干预组无论有无黄疸都进行预防性光疗,并在此基础上给予包括灌肠、抚触、腹部按摩和营养支持在内的综合护理干预。结论:对早产儿给予预防性光疗和综合护理干预可阻止高胆红素血症及胆红素脑病的出现,减少后遗症的发生。

    【关键词】 高胆红素血症;综合护理

    Preventive light therapy and integrated care intervention on premature children of hyperbilirubinemia

    Diao YouxiangZhang NaZhu Xiuping

    (Qingzhou City, Shandong Province People's Hospital, Friends of Hong Zhang Na Diao

    Weifang City, Shandong Province, Zhu Xiuping Yidu Central Hospital )

    【Abstract】Objective:To investigate the preventive light therapy and integrated care intervention on premature children of hyperbilirubinemia. Methods:160 premature children were randomly divided into two groups of 80 cases. The control group received routine treatment and care, the intervention group, with or without jaundice have preventive light therapy, and on this basis given, including enemas, massage, abdominal massage, and nutritional support, including integrated care intervention. Conclusion:The prophylactic phototherapy in preterm children and the integrated care intervention can prevent hyperbilirubinemia and bilirubin encephalopathy appears to reduce the incidence of complications.

    【Key words】hyperbilirubinemia; integrated care



    选择自2001 年1 月~2007 年1 月来我院产科出生转入NICU 的早产儿160 例, 其中男110 例, 女50 例。胎龄29~36( 32±4) wk, 体重1.9~2.8( 2.2±0.5) kg, 起病日龄为1~10d。


    对照组80例早产儿在严密监测黄疸的同时, 按照我国黄疸干预推荐的早产儿方案予以光疗、白蛋白、酶诱导剂等处理[3] , 严密动态监测黄疸指数。干预组80 例早产儿入院后置入婴儿光疗暖箱, 给予早产儿常规治疗, 无论有无黄疸均进行光疗, 采用间断蓝光照射,每天1 次, 每次10~12 h, 经皮测黄疸指数, 在此基础上给予以下综合护理干预。(1) 灌肠选用温盐水10~15mL 灌肠,(2) 抚触(3) 腹部按摩以脐为中心, 四指并拢, 顺时针运动。(4) 营养支持喂养均以母乳喂养为主。不能吸吮者以小匙喂哺, 吞咽困难时可鼻饲母乳。

    1.3观察指标(1)血清胆红素浓度动态变化:(2)首次胎便排出时间和首次胎便转黄时间 ......
