当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中医药临床杂志》 > 2011年第11期 > 正文
http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 庞恩文 许华莉


     【摘要】 目的: 探讨颈段食管异物在直接数字化X线摄影(DR)中的诊断应用。方法: 回顾分析我院近6年以来采用DR颈段侧位片摄影的方法,进行食道异物的X线检查,并进行图像后处理,使图像对比度达到最佳状态,对微细异物进行放大观察,增强异物显示能力,可直接显示异物的存在。结果: 应用DR摄影以及图像后处理,颈前软组织均可清晰显示,层次分明,86例患者中有73例在颈段侧位图像中显示异物存在的位置、形态、大小、性质;有13例显示颈段食管条带状充气表现,经进一步检查证实为胸上段食管异物阻塞。 结论: 颈段食管为异物容易存留的部位,首选DR颈段侧位片检查以及图像后处理,可直接显示异物的存在;颈段食管条带状充气,提示胸上段食管异物阻塞的可能,应进一步检查明确。


    Direct Digital X-ray photography (DR) of cervical lateral radiographs of the Diagnosis of esophageal foreign body

    Pang en wen Xu hua li

    (Guangxi fang cheng gang Wilson first people's hospital radiology,538021)

    【abstract】 Objective: Explore the neck section in direct digital esophageal foreign body X-ray photography (DR) the diagnostic application. Methods: Retrospective analysis nearly six years with direct digital X-ray photography cervical section side a piece of photography method, esophageal foreign body, and X-ray image post-processing, make the image contrast to achieve the best condition of subtle eyewinker amplification observation,enhance the eyewinker display ability,can directly display of heterogeneities exist. Results: Application of direct digital X-ray photography(DR) photography and image post-processing. Neck front soft tissue all can clear display, distinct. In 86 cases, has 73 cases in cervical lateral bits to display the image heterogeneities exists, the position of shape, size, properties. There 13 cases cervical section esophageal bar ribbon inflatable, upon closer inspection confirmed for chest jodan esophageal foreign body obstruction. Conclusion: Foreign body easy to remain with the neck section areas, esophagus. Preferred direct digital X-ray photography(DR) cervical section side a slice check and image post-processing, can directly display of heterogeneities exist. Cervical section esophageal bar ribbon inflatable, clew chest jodan esophageal foreign bodies blocking the possible, should further examination clear.

    【key words】 Cervical section esophageal inflatable; Direct digital X-ray photography Esophageal foreign;Image post-processing


    1 临床资料和方法

    1.1 临床资料

    本组86例,男性50例,女36例,年龄最小为11个月,最大为83岁,均有明确的进某食物后或小孩玩耍误咽异物(故意吞咽异物不计在内)后立即发生吞咽异物感或梗阻的现病史 ......
