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【摘要】 目的 了解德胜社区人群肺结核病防治知识掌握情况及希望获得知识的途径,为开展肺结核病健康教育工作提供依据。方法 采用随机抽样方法,在社区中心6个社区站、1所小学和集贸市场随机拦截人员进行问卷调查。结果 共调查312人,有89.7%的人知道肺结核是传染病;84.0%的人知道肺结核的传播途径,认为只要坚持正规治疗可以痊愈;70.5%的人知道所在地区有专门检查治疗肺结核病的机构;48.1%的人知道治疗有免费政策。但仅有21.8%的人知道咳嗽、咳痰2周以上应考虑患有肺结核病的可能。对肺结核病8条核心信息知晓率为5.1%。结论 大多数社区人群掌握肺结核病防治及其相关知识; 部分人群(尤其是外地常驻人口)肺结核病相关知识知晓率低;充分利用群众喜闻乐见的方式进行结核病教育是阻断该病传播的途径之一。
【关键词】 社区人群;肺结核病;防治知识;健康教育
【Abstract】 Objective To find out the situation of mastering the knowledge about preventing TB among the people who living at DeSheng community and their way of getting such knowledge. To provide basis information for developing TB health education program. Methods Adopting the way of random sampling, through questionnaire survey, people randomly at Desheng Community Health Service Center and 6 community stations, a primary school and market were interviewed. Results The total number is 312 people. Among them, 89.7% know that TB is contagious disease; 84.0% of the total know the Transmission,and think that most of the patients can be cured by insisting on standard treatment; 70.5% of the people know the hospital where to check and cure TB locate in the place where they are living; 48.1% of the people know the policy that checking and curing TB are free.But only 21.8% of the people know that the people who have keeping cough and expectoration for 2 weeks may catch TB. Only 5.1% of the people know all the information above. Conclusion Most of the community groups get the preventing TB knowledge. Part of the population (especially foreign resident population) have little knowledge of preventing TB;There is a way to block the spread of the TB disease for using loved way by the resident.
【Key words】 Community people ;TB ;Prevent knowledge;Health Education
1 对象与方法
1.1 调查对象 北京市德胜社区居民、集贸市场部分商户、小学部分学生及老师。
1.2 调查方法
1.2.1 抽样方法: 采用整群随机抽样方法,选取本社区23个居委会,1所小学高年级一个班学生及老师,1所农贸市场人员进行调查。
1.2.2 调查问卷及调查员: 选用统一的调查问卷,当场填写,当场收回。问卷内容主要包括:基本情况、肺结核病传播途径、治疗前景、出现相应症状应赴何处检查、周围人患病如何对待、结核病防治政策、对当地结核病防治专业机构了解情况等 ......