【摘要】 目的 探讨超声在睾丸附件扭转疾病中的诊断价值。方法 对26例超声诊断为睾丸附件扭转的患者定期复查,并与手术病理或出院诊断对照观察。 结果 26例睾丸附件扭转超声诊断符合率76.9%(20/26)。早期每6小时行超声复查,可提供睾丸血流信息,赢得手术探查时间。结论 超声检查对睾丸附件扭转诊断有重要价值,定期复查既可避免过度治疗,又可及时挽救被误诊的睾丸。【关键词】 彩色多普勒超声检查;睾丸附件;扭转;过度治疗;误诊
Value of ultrasonography in torsion of the appendix of testis
HE liguo*,SUN lihua*,JIA chunxia*,HE zhaoguo.Department of special jnspection , Heart hospital,Weifang 261200,China
Corresponding author:HE liguo
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the value of ultrasonography in torsion of the appendix of testis.Methods Twenty-six case with diagnosis of ultrasonography in torsion of the appendix of testis periodic review ,All case were conducted operation pathology or discharge diagnosis.Results The diagnostic accordance rate of ultrasound in torsion of the appendix of testis was 76.9%(20/26). Early per six hours ultraononic examination,Provide testicular blood flow information,Win the exploratory operation time.Conclusion Ultrasonography is valuable in diagnosis with torsion of the appendix of testis. Repeat ultraononic examination not only avoid treatment of excessive ,but also save the test with misdiagnosed in time. ......
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