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通讯作者:农小珍, 百拇医药
[5]Sutton GP,Bundy BN,Delgado G,et al.Ovarian metastasis in stage IB carcinoma of the cervix:a gynecologic oncology group study[J].Am J Obstet Gynecol,1992,166(Ipt 1):50-53.
[6]Ota T,Yoshida M,Kimura M,et al.Clinicopathologic study of uterine endometrial carcinoma in young women aged 40 years and younger[J].INt J Gynecol cancer,2005,15(4):657-662.
[7] Ursin G,Pike MC,Martin S,et a1.Reproductive and other riskfactors for adeno—carcinoma of the cervix,results from a popu—lation—based case—control study(California,united states)[J].Cancer Causes Control,1996,7(3):391.
[8] 张惜阴主编.1临床妇科肿瘤学.上海:上海医科大学出版社,1993:406
[9] 陈勇,吴葆桢,郎景和.生殖活动与卵巢上皮性癌发病危险的关系病例对照研究[J].中华妇产科杂志,1991,26(3):1 58~161.
[10] 陈洪兴,周桂娥,杨云利.多原发癌的临床研究[J].中外健康文摘(临床医药版),2008,5(7):51-53.
[14]Seli E,Tanggir J.Fertility preservation options for female patients with m alignancies[J].Curr opin obstet Gynecol,2005,17(3):299-308.
[15] 乐杰主编.妇产科学.第4版,北京:人民卫生出版社,1996:293-299.
通讯作者:农小珍, 百拇医药