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[摘要] 目的 对盐酸吉西他滨中的残留溶剂进行测定。方法 采用顶空气相色谱法,DB-WAX石英毛细管柱(30 mm×0.53 mm,1.0μm),进样口温度为150℃;氢火焰离子化检测器,载气为氮气,检测器温度为240℃,柱初温40℃维持7 min,以10℃/min升温速率升至120℃。结果 被测溶剂均能得到很好的分离,每一个溶剂的峰面积与浓度在一定的范围内均呈良好的线性关系。结论 该方法作为盐酸吉西他滨中残留溶剂的检测是准确、可靠的。
[关键词] 盐酸吉西他滨;气相色谱;残留溶剂
[中图分类号] R927.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 2095-0616(2012)05-95-02
Determination of residual solvents in gemcitabine hydrochloride
LI Xiaobi1 WANG Chunling2
Jiangsu Hansoh Medicine Research Institute Co., Ltd., Lianyungang 222000, China
[Abstract] Objective To establish a method for detection of residual solvents in gemcitabine hydrochloride. Methods The residual solvents in gemcitabine hydrochloride was determined by headspace GC with DB-WAX capillary column(30 mm×0.53 mm,1μm) with FID detector and nitrogen as the carries gas. The injector temperature was 150℃, the detector temperature was 240℃, the column temperature rosed by program ......