[摘要] 目的 探讨米非司酮片配伍米索前列醇片用于中期妊娠引产的临床效果,进一步提高药物终止妊娠的有效率。方法 选择孕12~22周的孕妇116例,口服米非司酮片配伍米索前列醇片终止妊娠。 结果 116例孕妇中109例药物终止妊娠成功,其中5例孕13~20周行大月份钳刮,2例阴道上药无明显宫缩后第2天改为水囊引产,同时给予缩宫素静滴。 结论 米非司酮片配伍米索前列醇片用于中期妊娠引产效果好、安全、有效、实用,值得推广。
[关键词] 米非司酮片;米索前列醇片;中期妊娠引产
[中图分类号] R714.2?[文献标识码] B?[文章编号] 2095-0616(2012)22-62-02
Clinical observation of mifepristone coadministered with misoprostol for termination of 11-22 weeks pregnancy
, 百拇医药
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Changge City,Changge 461500,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical effect of mifepristone coadministered with misoprostol tablets for induction for mid-pregnancy and further improve the efficiency of medical termination of pregnancy. Methods To select 116 cases of 12-22 weeks gestation pregnant women and they orally take mifepristone coadministered with misoprostol tablets to terminate pregnancy. Results 109 in 116 cases of medical termination of pregnancy in pregnant women succeed,of whom forceps was applied to 5 cases of 13-20 week gestation;medication was applied to the vagina of 2 cases without apparent contractions,so water balloon induction was applied to them while they were given intravenous injection of oxytocin. Conclusion The effect of mifepristone coadministered with misoprostol tablets for induction for the second trimester pregnancy is good,safe,useful and worth promoting.
, http://www.100md.com
[Key words] Mifepristone tablets;Misoprostol tablets;Medium-term pregnancy induced labor
, http://www.100md.com
用药前监测患者体温、脉搏、血压。选用米非司酮片(浙江仙居制药股份有限公司,H10950347,25 mg/片)及米索前列醇片(北京紫竹药业有限公司,H20000668,200μg/片)空腹或进食后2 h温水服药。第1~3天口服米非司酮片50 mg,间隔12 h 1次,第4天晨8点无剖宫产手术史者阴道后穹窿放置米索前列醇片600μg,有剖宫手术史者阴道后穹窿放置米索前列醇片400μg,卧床休息半小时后再下床适当活动;放置米索前列醇片后留院观察,详细记录其体温、血压、脉搏,特别注意其副反应、阴道出血、宫缩及胎儿、胎盘排出时间等情况,如患者出现剧烈腹痛不可耐受给予盐酸哌替啶针100 mg肌注,准确记录引产后2 h的阴道出血量,发现出血过多或引产不全立即行清宫术。
主要观察自阴道后穹窿放置米索前列醇片后宫缩发动、宫颈管的硬度、宫颈管消退,宫颈口开大,至胎儿及其附属物排出的时间、胎盘胎膜是否完整娩出、阴道出血多少及有无副作用。临床评价指标:失败:用药后未发动宫缩或有宫缩而胎儿及其附属物未排出,需要改用它法引产的;不完全引产:用药后胎儿排出或部分排出,而胎盘胎膜未排出或排出不全,出血较多须行钳刮术清除残留组织的;完全引产:用药后胎儿及其附属物自然娩出,阴道出血少,无需清宫的。, 百拇医药(李松芳)
[关键词] 米非司酮片;米索前列醇片;中期妊娠引产
[中图分类号] R714.2?[文献标识码] B?[文章编号] 2095-0616(2012)22-62-02
Clinical observation of mifepristone coadministered with misoprostol for termination of 11-22 weeks pregnancy
, 百拇医药
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Changge City,Changge 461500,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical effect of mifepristone coadministered with misoprostol tablets for induction for mid-pregnancy and further improve the efficiency of medical termination of pregnancy. Methods To select 116 cases of 12-22 weeks gestation pregnant women and they orally take mifepristone coadministered with misoprostol tablets to terminate pregnancy. Results 109 in 116 cases of medical termination of pregnancy in pregnant women succeed,of whom forceps was applied to 5 cases of 13-20 week gestation;medication was applied to the vagina of 2 cases without apparent contractions,so water balloon induction was applied to them while they were given intravenous injection of oxytocin. Conclusion The effect of mifepristone coadministered with misoprostol tablets for induction for the second trimester pregnancy is good,safe,useful and worth promoting.
, http://www.100md.com
[Key words] Mifepristone tablets;Misoprostol tablets;Medium-term pregnancy induced labor
, http://www.100md.com
用药前监测患者体温、脉搏、血压。选用米非司酮片(浙江仙居制药股份有限公司,H10950347,25 mg/片)及米索前列醇片(北京紫竹药业有限公司,H20000668,200μg/片)空腹或进食后2 h温水服药。第1~3天口服米非司酮片50 mg,间隔12 h 1次,第4天晨8点无剖宫产手术史者阴道后穹窿放置米索前列醇片600μg,有剖宫手术史者阴道后穹窿放置米索前列醇片400μg,卧床休息半小时后再下床适当活动;放置米索前列醇片后留院观察,详细记录其体温、血压、脉搏,特别注意其副反应、阴道出血、宫缩及胎儿、胎盘排出时间等情况,如患者出现剧烈腹痛不可耐受给予盐酸哌替啶针100 mg肌注,准确记录引产后2 h的阴道出血量,发现出血过多或引产不全立即行清宫术。
主要观察自阴道后穹窿放置米索前列醇片后宫缩发动、宫颈管的硬度、宫颈管消退,宫颈口开大,至胎儿及其附属物排出的时间、胎盘胎膜是否完整娩出、阴道出血多少及有无副作用。临床评价指标:失败:用药后未发动宫缩或有宫缩而胎儿及其附属物未排出,需要改用它法引产的;不完全引产:用药后胎儿排出或部分排出,而胎盘胎膜未排出或排出不全,出血较多须行钳刮术清除残留组织的;完全引产:用药后胎儿及其附属物自然娩出,阴道出血少,无需清宫的。, 百拇医药(李松芳)