[摘要]目的 为了了解中草药房电子处方使用情况,以2013年7月处方为研究对象,对处方进行审查及分析评价。方法 随机抽取1000张机打处方,列表、逐张逐项登记,并且运用Excel 2007进行统计分析。结果 电子处方各项合格率超出88%,合理用药合格率达99.7%,各项不合格率低于15%。结论 中草药处方施行电子处方,在我院运行良好,具有传递信息快,项目完整,字迹清晰,中药饮片名称标准化,能够提高医师、药师工作效率,降低不合格处方率。
[关键词] 中草药房电子处方;分析;建议
[中图分类号] R952 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)04-161-03
Analysis and evaluation on the application of electronic prescriptions for Chinese herbal medicine in the outpatient clinic of our hospital
WANG Hongli LIU Xianlei FENG Yan
Department of Pharmacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou 450000,China
[Abstract] Objective To understand the situations of applying electronic prescriptions for Chinese herbal medicine by selecting the prescriptions in July 2013 as subjects and monitoring, analyzing and evaluating the selected prescriptions. Methods 1000 printed prescriptions were randomly selected, recorded in tables with detailed items and statistically analyzed via Excel 2007. Results Qualification rate of all items in the electronic prescriptions was 88%. Qualification rate of rational drug use was 99.7%. Disqualification rate of all items was lower than 15%. Conclusion The application of electronic prescriptions for Chinese herbal medicine in our hospital has favorable effects of rapid information transfer, complete items, legible handwritings, and standardization of names of traditional Chinese medicine. This helps improve the working efficiency of doctors and pharmacists, and reduce disqualification rate of prescriptions.
[Key words] Electronic prescriptions for Chinese herbal medicine;Analysis;Suggestions
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 研究内容
1.3 研究方法
将随机抽取的处方按预先设计的表格,逐张逐项登记,并运用Excel 2007进行统计分析。
2 结果
3 讨论
3.1 处方前记
目前我院已全面实行诊疗卡挂号、就诊,诊疗卡芯片上记录了患者的基本个人信息,就诊时医生只需点击患者姓名,患者的基本信息便会自动录入,所以电子处方具备个人信息准确、完备的优势,但在调查临床用药合理性中,有1例妇科病患者个人信息为男性,有1例男科疾病患者个人信息为女性,可见个别患者存在家属混用诊疗卡现象。, http://www.100md.com(王红丽?刘现磊?冯彦)
[关键词] 中草药房电子处方;分析;建议
[中图分类号] R952 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)04-161-03
Analysis and evaluation on the application of electronic prescriptions for Chinese herbal medicine in the outpatient clinic of our hospital
WANG Hongli LIU Xianlei FENG Yan
Department of Pharmacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou 450000,China
[Abstract] Objective To understand the situations of applying electronic prescriptions for Chinese herbal medicine by selecting the prescriptions in July 2013 as subjects and monitoring, analyzing and evaluating the selected prescriptions. Methods 1000 printed prescriptions were randomly selected, recorded in tables with detailed items and statistically analyzed via Excel 2007. Results Qualification rate of all items in the electronic prescriptions was 88%. Qualification rate of rational drug use was 99.7%. Disqualification rate of all items was lower than 15%. Conclusion The application of electronic prescriptions for Chinese herbal medicine in our hospital has favorable effects of rapid information transfer, complete items, legible handwritings, and standardization of names of traditional Chinese medicine. This helps improve the working efficiency of doctors and pharmacists, and reduce disqualification rate of prescriptions.
[Key words] Electronic prescriptions for Chinese herbal medicine;Analysis;Suggestions
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 研究内容
1.3 研究方法
将随机抽取的处方按预先设计的表格,逐张逐项登记,并运用Excel 2007进行统计分析。
2 结果
3 讨论
3.1 处方前记
目前我院已全面实行诊疗卡挂号、就诊,诊疗卡芯片上记录了患者的基本个人信息,就诊时医生只需点击患者姓名,患者的基本信息便会自动录入,所以电子处方具备个人信息准确、完备的优势,但在调查临床用药合理性中,有1例妇科病患者个人信息为男性,有1例男科疾病患者个人信息为女性,可见个别患者存在家属混用诊疗卡现象。, http://www.100md.com(王红丽?刘现磊?冯彦)