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http://www.100md.com 2014年11月1日 《中国医药科学》 2014年第21期
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    [18] Hawkins RG,Houston MC.Is population- w ide diuretic use directly associated with the incidence of end-stagerenal disease in the United States A hypothesis[J].Am J Hypertens,2005,18(6):744-749.

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    [20] Paterna S,Parrinello G,Cannizzaro S,et al. Medium term effects of different dosage of diuretic, sodium,and fluid administration on neurohormonal and clinical outcome in patients with recently compensated heart failure[J].Am J Cardiol,2009,103(1):93-102.

    (收稿日期:2014-08-21), 百拇医药(姚舜杰?朱宗华)
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