[摘要] 目的 提高对原发性低颅压综合征的认识。 方法 回顾性分析近5年本院确诊的SIH 19例临床资料,并结合文献对该病的诊治进行讨论。 结果 19例均有不同程度的体位性头痛,并可伴有头晕、恶心、呕吐、颈强直,有18例侧卧位腰椎穿刺脑脊液压力低于60mm H2O,蛋白增高11例,WBC增高8例,RBC增高2例,13例行头颅MRI增强检查示弥漫性硬脑膜强化,均采取保守治疗,16例痊愈,3例好转。 结论 体位性头痛是PIH最典型的症状,弥漫性硬脑膜强化是最常见的影像学表现, PIH预后良好。[关键词] 原发性低颅压综合征;头痛;影像学;腰穿
[中图分类号] R741 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 2095-0616(2015)18-137-03
[Abstract] Objective To deepen understanding of Spontaneous intracranial hypotension. Methods Clinical data of 19 patients who were diagnosed as SIH in our hospital in recent 5 years were analyzed retrospectively.The diagnosis and treatment of this disease were discussed with the assistance of literature. Results All of 19 patients had various degrees of postural headache accompanied with some symptoms including dizziness ......
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