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http://www.100md.com 2021年9月13日 中国医药科学 2021年第22期
     杨嘉辉 郭博凯 唐智生 蒋亚兰 杨婷婷 庾旭明 梁勤 刘丽园



    [中图分类号] R33 [文献标识码] A? [文章编号]2095-0616(2021)22-0039-04

    Progress of clinical research on the localization of taste generation in the human brain

    YANG? Jiahui? GUO? Bokai? TANG? Zhisheng? JIANG? Yalan? YANG? TingtingYU? Xuming? LIANG? Qin? LIU? Liyuan

    Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Guilin People's Hospital, Guangxi, Guilin 541002, China

    [Abstract] Every healthy person is endowed with the function of sensing the sour, sweet, bitter, hot, and salty flavor. The sense of taste is an intimate perception. Sensory perception is the most primary psychological process of human beings, and all the other psychological activities are produced on the basis of what is obtained by it. According to the sources of sensory stimuli, it can be divided into three categories ......

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