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http://www.100md.com 2021年9月18日 中国医药科学 2021年第24期
     文笛 陈昌林 万勇 余祺


    [中图分类号] R614.2;R-1? [文献标识码] A? [文章编号]2095-0616(2021)24-0062-05

    Application progress of local anesthesia for awake endotracheal intubation

    WEN? Di? CHEN? Changlin? WAN? Yong? YU? Qi

    Department of Anesthesiology, Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College, Sichuan, Nanchong 637000,China

    [Abstract] During endotracheal intubation under general anesthesia, most difficult airways can be found in advance. The previous airway management or preoperative airway examination can help anesthesiologists assess the risks of potential difficulties. Awake intubation is a common method to solve the expected difficult airway, and it can ensure the safety of patients' airway and reduce the occurrence of serious adverse reactions. Successful awake intubation cannot be separated from perfect local airway anesthesia. Successful local airway anesthesia is a unique challenge in awake intubation. At present ......

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