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http://www.100md.com 2021年9月18日 中国医药科学 2021年第24期
     张群 赵旭涛



    [中图分类号] R249; R256.1? [文献标识码] A? [文章编号]2095-0616(2021)24-0209-05

    Research on Liu Rongkui's clinical experience and academic thoughts on pulmonary diseases

    ZHANG? Qun? ZHAO? Xutao

    Ji'nan Municipal Hospital ofTraditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong, Ji'nan 250012, China

    [Abstract] Chief Physician Liu Rongkui of Ji'nan Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has devoted himself to the clinical, teaching and scientific research on pulmonary diseases with Chinese medicine treatment for more than 30 years, and has accumulated rich experience. According to the new trend of the impact of the rapid development of society on the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases ......

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