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http://www.100md.com 2022年5月3日 中国医药科学 2022年第6期
     李朝旭 张超群 丁少敏

    [摘要] 龙胜各族自治县(龙胜县)地处西部偏远山区,县域内各级医疗机构医疗服务水平较弱。为此,广西壮族自治区南溪山医院在龙胜县政府的支持下,成立了龙胜县公立医院人民医院集团,是涵盖了三级医院、二级医院及乡镇卫生院在内的“紧密全覆盖型医联体”。并在广西率先推出了“党建惠民,护佑健康”医联体党建融合发展新模式,把党建工作融入医联体建设发展的全方位、全过程。经过技术提升期、管理提升期、资源整合期和党建融合期等几个阶段的建设,目前实现了县域医院综合能力提升、卫生院首诊作用凸显、群众得到实惠、同行认可和政府满意,有力带动基层医疗卫生健康事业高质量发展,为偏远山区,尤其是人口 30万的县域医联体建设及发展提供了经验和启示。

    [关键词] 公立医院;区域医疗联合体;医疗资源配置;基层医疗

    [中图分类号] R197.7? [文献标识码] A? [文章编号] 2095-0616(2022)06-0181-04

    The exploration and construction of the medical association "Longsheng Model" in Nanxishan Hospital

    LI? Zhaoxu? ZHANG? Chaoqun? DING? Shaomin

    Nanxishan Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guangxi, Guilin 541002, China

    [Abstract] Longsheng Various Nationalities Autonomous County (Longsheng County) is located in a remote mountain area in western China, and the level of medical services in medical institutions at all levels in the county is weak. For this reason, Nanxishan Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, with the support of the government of Longsheng County, established the People’s Hospital Medical Group of Longsheng County Public Hospitals ......

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