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“互联网 +”背景下中医药类高校实验室 管理改革的思考
http://www.100md.com 2022年5月1日 中国医药科学 2022年第8期
     潘激扬 李京忠



    [中图分类号] R-4? [文献标识码] A? [文章编号]2095-0616(2022)08-0187-05

    Thoughts on the laboratory management reform in colleges and universities of traditional Chinese medicine under the background of "Internet Plus"

    PAN? Jiyang1LI? Jingzhong2

    1. Museum of Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;2. Information and Educational Technology Center, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China

    [Abstract] Under the background of the new education reform, the level of science and technology keeps rising, and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) ushers in a new development stage. Modern society puts forward higher requirements for the education and management of TCM colleges and universities. Under the new background of the "Internet Plus" ......

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