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http://www.100md.com 2022年7月13日 中国医药科学 2022年第9期
     韦林宜 蒋丽

    [摘要]目的探究經皮电刺激阴部神经治疗在女性压力性尿失禁中的价值。方法选择广西壮族自治区妇幼保健院2020年2月至2021年4月纳入的130例女性压力性尿失禁患者,按照随机数字表法分为研究组和对照组,每组各65例,研究组实施经皮电刺激阴部神经治疗+盆底康复,对照组开展盆底康复,比较两组治疗结果。结果研究组总有效率为90.77%,高于对照组的76.92%,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。治疗前两组临床症状积分、尿流动力学差异无统计学意义( P >0.05),治疗后两组指标均明显改善( P <0.05),但研究组积分更低于对照组,最大逼尿肌压力、最大尿道关闭压、控制面积高于对照组,差异有统计学意义( P <0.05)。结论经皮电刺激阴部神经治疗在女性压力性尿失禁中效果显著,能有效缓解症状,改善尿流动力学,促进病情快速好转。


    [中图分类号] R714.6? [文献标识码] A? [文章编号]2095-0616(2022)09-0012-04

    Clinical effects of percutaneous electrical stimulation of the pudendal nerve in women with stress urinary incontinence

    WEI? Linyi? JIANG? Li

    Gynecological Pelvic Floor, Maternity and Child Health Care of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guangxi, Nanning 530000, China

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate the value of percutaneous electrical stimulation of pudendal nerve in the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence. Methods A total of 130 female patients with stress urinary incontinence enrolled from February 2020 to April 2021 in Maternity and Child Health Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region were randomly divided into study group and control group according to the random number table method ......

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