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http://www.100md.com 2022年7月13日 中国医药科学 2022年第9期
     李爱萍 赵慧娟 贾梦阳 李怀智 潘红艳

    [摘要]代谢综合征(MS)是一组以肥胖、高血糖、血脂异常、高胰岛素血症以及高血压等聚集发病的临床症候群,各组分相互关联,促进疾病的发生。体重增加是 MS 的主要危险因素,而胰岛素抵抗是其主要病理生理机制和中心环节。MS 患者的心血管疾病(CVD)患病率明显增加。MS 各组分与 CVD 的发生密切相关,目前各组分所致 CVD 的病理生理机制并不明确。辅酶 Q10(CoQ10)是一种有效的抗氧化剂,可以清除自由基,保护细胞免受氧化,在 MS 及 CVD 中起着重要作用。补充 CoQ10可改善 MS,提高心肌梗死患者心室射血分数,降低心肌梗死的发病率。近年来 CoQ10逐渐成为研究热点。本文就 CoQ10、MS 和 CVD 的关系及研究进展进行探讨。

    [关键词]代谢综合征;心血管疾病;辅酶 Q10;胰岛素抵抗;脂肪因子

    [中图分类号] R589; R54? [文献标识码] A? [文章编号]2095-0616(2022)09-0054-04

    Study advances in the application of coenzyme Q10 in metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases

    LI? Aiping? ZHAO? Huijuan? JIA? Mengyang? LI? Huaizhi? PAN? Hongyan

    Department of Endocrinology, Shenzhen University General Hospital, Guangdong, Shenzhen 518055, China

    [Abstract] Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a group of clinical syndromes with the clustering of obesity, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinemia and hypertension, which are interrelated to promote the development of the disease. Weight gain is the main risk factor for MS, while insulin resistance is the main pathophysiological mechanism and central link. The prevalence rate of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is significantly increased in patients with MS. The above-mentioned components of MS are closely associated with the development of CVD ......

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