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http://www.100md.com 2022年7月13日 中国医药科学 2022年第9期
     张瑞新 宁方玲



    [中图分类号] R730.5? [文献标识码] A? [文章编号]2095-0616(2022)09-0062-04

    Study advances in tumor cell senescence and related therapies ZHANG? Ruixin ?NING? Fangling2

    1.Binzhou Medical University, Shandong, Binzhou 256603, China;2.Department of Oncology, Binzhou Medical University Hospital, Shandong, Binzhou 256603, China

    [Abstract] Cell senescence is a pleiotropic cellular state that runs through the beginning and end of multiple processes of body physiology and pathology, maintaining the dynamic balance of the functions and structures of cells and tissues. Traditionally, cell senescence is characterized by permanent proliferation stagnation, and accelerating tumor cell senescence by various therapeutic means has been a major theoretical cornerstone of tumor therapy in the past. However ......

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