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http://www.100md.com 2014年4月1日 黄辉


     摘要:本文介绍了《世医得效方》一书的作者生平、学术成就、贡献与特色及版本流传等内容。作者公其所秘,献其所学,所储积的历代及家传秘方多切于实用,力求得效。尤其在骨伤诊治方面成就突出,如创“架梯法”治陈旧性肩关节脱位,创用俯卧位双足悬吊复位法治疗脊椎骨折,擅用麻醉术于骨伤整复或手术中,所载全身麻醉药的应用是世界上最早的全身麻醉记录,并创立有二十五味方、自然铜散方等骨伤科内服外敷名方。该书系统总结整理了我国元代以前的骨伤科成就,明显带有金元时期医药发展的特色。关键词:《世医得效方》;危亦林;方剂;骨伤科doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2014.02.009A Introduction of Effective Formulae from Generations of DoctorsHuang Hui(Press of Clinical Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hefei Anhui 230061, China)Abstract: This article mainly introduced Effective Formulae from Generations of Doctors, including the author’s lifetime, his academic achievements, his contributions, and various versions of this book. The author publicized all his secrete formulae and knowledge, most of which are practical and effective in disease treatment. In particular, his great achievements have been made in diagnosis and treatment of orthopedics and traumatology ......
