浙江中医药大学图书馆,浙江 杭州 310053摘要:《黄帝内经》中丰富而又行之有效的阅读学理论,在《黄帝内经》的多学科研究实践中却是个“盲区”。本文从《黄帝内经》的阅读认知思想、阅读主体与阅读文本理论、阅读心理学、阅读方法四个方面,揭示其丰富的阅读学理论内涵,以冀达“法于往古,验于来今”之目的。
doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2014.04.014
Reading Theory in Huang Di Nei Jing
Li Ruhui, Zheng Hongyue
(Library of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310053, China)
Abstract: Though the reading theory in Huang Di Nei Jing is abundant and effective, it is still a “blind spot” in interdisciplinary research and practice of Huang Di Nei Jing. This article aimed to reveal the rich connotation of reading theory in Huang Di Nei Jing from the following four aspects: reading cognitive idea, reading subject and reading textual theory, reading psychology, reading methods, with a purpose to put the ancient experience into today’s practice effectively.
Key words: Huang Di Nei Jing; reading education; theoretical research
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