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http://www.100md.com 2018年6月1日 《中国中医药图书情报》 20183


    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2018.03.008

    中图分类号:G250.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5707(2018)03-0033-03

    Discussion on Characteristic Information Service Mode of Libraries of Colleges and Universities under the Background of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    CHENG Yin-zhong

    (Chongqing Culture and Art Academy, Chongqing 400067, China)

    Abstract: Under the background of innovation and entrepreneurship, libraries of colleges and universities should actively explore and create distinctive information service modes. This article analyzed the connotation of the innovation and entrepreneurship and information service modes and the relationship between them, and discussed the new changes of the information service modes of libraries of colleges and universities under the background of innovation and entrepreneurship from the perspectives of individuation, intelligence and knowledge. On this basis, building elements of the characteristics of the information service mode were clarified from four aspects of the main body of the service, the object of service, service mode and service content, and construction strategies were proposed: improving the information service level of librarians, refining the information service requirements of users, establishing a diversified information service mode and pursuing innovative information service contents.

    Key words: innovation and entrepreneurship; libraries of colleges and universities; information services; modes


    作者简介:成胤钟,E-mail: werling15@126.com


    1 创新创业与信息服务模式的内涵

    1.1 创新创业的内涵


    1.2 信息服务模式的内涵

    信息服务是图书馆通过利用各种技术、方法和手段去收集、整理各种信息资源,并将有价值的信息提供给用户,满足用户需求,并帮助用户解决问题的一种服务活动。实际上,信息服务就是图书馆帮助用户搜寻信息、使用信息、使信息增值的一项服务活动。服务主体、服务客体、服务方式和服务内容是组成信息服务活动四要素,四要素和四要素之间的相互关系是信息服务模式的构成依据[1]。模式是事物的标准样式,是主体的一般行为方式,介于理论和实践之间,具有一般性、简单性、重复性、结构性、稳定性和可操作性等特征。因此,信息服务模式就是信息提供者通过描述组成信息服务活动的四要素及四要素之间的相互关系,从而调整各个要素之间的作用机制,最终采用特定的活动范式为用户提供信息的一种信息服务工作模式。, 百拇医药
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