中图分类号:G258.2;G252 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5707(2020)01-0037-04
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2020.01.008
Research on Information Assistance Mode in the Collaborative Vision of Regional Library Alliance
LI Xiao-yu
(Maoming Library, Maoming 525000, China)
Abstract:Starting from the concept of regional library alliance and information assistance mode, this article analyzed the advantages of information assistance in the collaborative vision of regional library alliance, including comprehensive alliance resource system, advanced modern information technology, innovative collaborative services, and cross-regional cooperation; It also put forward the existing problems of hidden dangers in information security, decentralized cooperative development of alliance and resource management to be improved; It elaborated that the library alliance system should be continuously improved from the three aspects of service development within the alliance, multi-party cooperation outside the alliance, and development of the online platform of the alliance to promote the construction of information assistance mode in the collaborative vision of regional library alliance.
Key words: regional library alliance; information assistance mode; information vulnerable groups
1 区域图书馆联盟与信息援助概述
1.1 区域图书馆联盟定义
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