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http://www.100md.com 2017年12月25日 《中西医结合心血管病电子杂志》 2017年第36期
     【摘要】目的 观察神经阻滞联合喉罩全麻应用于老年全髋关节置换术的麻醉效果。方法 回顾性分析20例老年全髋关节置换术患者应用神经阻滞联合喉罩全麻的资料。结果 所有患者术者评估肌松情况均满意;苏醒时患者难受程度均表示无太大不适;拔管时患者的血液动力学改变均无显著改变;术后疼痛情况有1例患者口服止痛药缓解,其余的均表示基本满意。结论 在老年全髋关节置换术中应用神经阻滞联合喉罩全麻,能够互相取长补短,值得推广应用。


    【中图分类号】R658.3 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】ISSN.2095-6681.2017.36..02

    【Abstract】Objective To observe the anesthetic effect of nerve block combined with laryngeal mask general anesthesia in the elderly total hip arthroplasty.Methods The data of 20 cases of elderly total hip arthroplasty with nerve block combined with laryngeal mask general anesthesia were analyzed retrospectively.Results All the patients were satisfied with the situation to assess muscle relaxation; awake patients were uncomfortable said without much discomfort;extubation hemodynamic changes in patients with no significant change;postoperative pain of one case of patients with oral painkillers to ease ......
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