6.3 产后预防
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[3] Haagsman HP,Hogenkamp A,van Eijk M,et a1.Surfactant collectins and innate immunity.Neonatology,2008,93:288-294.
[4] Dizdar EA,Uras N,Oguz S,et al.Total antioxidant capacity and total oxidant status after surfactant treatment in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome[J].Ann Clin Biochem,2011,48(Pt5) :462-467.
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[6] 杨娜,刘敬,何平平,等.胎膜早破与足月新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的相关性分析[J].实用儿科临床杂志。2012,27(8):604-605.
[7] JOBE ALL.Effects of chorioamnionitis on the fetal lung[J].Clin Perinatol,2012,39:441-457.
[8]lee J,Oh KJ,Park CW,et al.The presence of funisitis is associated with a decreased risk for eht development of neonatal respiratory distress syndome.Placenta,2011,32:235-240.
[10] Latini G,Del Vecchio A,De Felice C,et a1.Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn:therapeutical approach[J].Mini Rev Med Chem,2008,8(14):1507-1513.
[11] Ghodrat M.Lung surfactants[J].Am Health Pharm,2006,63 (16):1504—1521.
[12] Nkadi P0,Merritt TA,Pllers DA.An overview of pulmonarv surfactant in the neonate: genetics, metabolism, and the role of surfactant in health and disease.Mol Genet Metab,2009,97:95-101.
[13] 甘小庄,宋国维.新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征治疗进展[J] .中国医刊,2010,(45)4:13-17
[15]Rennie,J.M.[M].罗伯顿新生儿学.第一版.北京:北京大学医学出版社.2009.506, 百拇医药(葛娟 茅双根)
6.3 产后预防
[1] 胡亚美.诸福堂实用儿科学[M].第7版.北京:人民卫生出版社,2005.458.
[2] 孙眉月.新生儿肺透明膜病:董声焕主编;现代儿科危重症医学;北京:人民军医出版社,1999,482
[3] Haagsman HP,Hogenkamp A,van Eijk M,et a1.Surfactant collectins and innate immunity.Neonatology,2008,93:288-294.
[4] Dizdar EA,Uras N,Oguz S,et al.Total antioxidant capacity and total oxidant status after surfactant treatment in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome[J].Ann Clin Biochem,2011,48(Pt5) :462-467.
[5]Yan c,Nahner A,Martin M,et a1.Transcriptional stimulation of the surfactant protein B gene by STAT3 in respiratory epithelial cells[J].J Biol Chem,2002,277:10967-10972.
[6] 杨娜,刘敬,何平平,等.胎膜早破与足月新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的相关性分析[J].实用儿科临床杂志。2012,27(8):604-605.
[7] JOBE ALL.Effects of chorioamnionitis on the fetal lung[J].Clin Perinatol,2012,39:441-457.
[8]lee J,Oh KJ,Park CW,et al.The presence of funisitis is associated with a decreased risk for eht development of neonatal respiratory distress syndome.Placenta,2011,32:235-240.
[10] Latini G,Del Vecchio A,De Felice C,et a1.Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn:therapeutical approach[J].Mini Rev Med Chem,2008,8(14):1507-1513.
[11] Ghodrat M.Lung surfactants[J].Am Health Pharm,2006,63 (16):1504—1521.
[12] Nkadi P0,Merritt TA,Pllers DA.An overview of pulmonarv surfactant in the neonate: genetics, metabolism, and the role of surfactant in health and disease.Mol Genet Metab,2009,97:95-101.
[13] 甘小庄,宋国维.新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征治疗进展[J] .中国医刊,2010,(45)4:13-17
[15]Rennie,J.M.[M].罗伯顿新生儿学.第一版.北京:北京大学医学出版社.2009.506, 百拇医药(葛娟 茅双根)
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