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[4]Park JH,Rob SW,Rhim SC.A single — stage posterior approach with open reduction and pedicle screw fixation in subaxial cer—vical facet dislocations [J].J Neurosurg Spine,2015,23 (1): 35.41
[5]Bunmaprasert Roobsoong A,Pongmanee S,et a1.Safety en—try point,size and direction for placement of thoracic pediclescrew —a cadaveric study[J].J Med Assoc Thai,2014,97(12):1344—1351.
[6]Liu HF ,Won HS,Chung IH,et a1.Morphological characteris—tics of the cranial root of the accessory nerve [J].Clin Anat ,2014,27(8):1 167—1 173.
[7]Kwan MK,Chiu CK,Lee CK,et a1.Comparison between ercutaneous fluoroscopic-guided and conventio -nal open pedicle screw placement techniques for the thoracic spine:a safety evaluation in human cad -avers[J].Bone Joint J,2015,97 (11):1555—1561.
[8]Bajwa NS,Toy JO,Ahn NU.Estab -lishment of parameters for Cong -enital thoracic stenosis:a study of 700 postmortem specimens [J].Clin Orthop Relat Res,2012,470 (11):3195—3201.
[13]张贵林,荣国威,丁占云,等.脊柱胸腰段骨折术后椎弓根钉断裂及弯曲松动的原因分析[J].中华骨科志杂,2000,2O(8):47O一472., http://www.100md.com(王砚军 刘铁军 胡明恩)
[1]Chou KN,Lin I31,Wu YC,et 81.Progressive kyphosis after vertebroplasty in osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture[J].Spine(Phila Pa 1976),2014,39(1):68-73.
[2]WdrLstein JN,Collalto P,Lehmann TR Thoraeolumbar“burst”fraetures treated conservatively:a long-term followul~J].Spine(Phi1a Pa 1976),1988,13(1):33-38.
[3]Roy—Camille R,Saillant G,Mazel C.Internal fixation of the lumbar spine with pedicle screw plating fJ1.Clin Orthop Relat Res,1986,(203):7-17.
[4]Park JH,Rob SW,Rhim SC.A single — stage posterior approach with open reduction and pedicle screw fixation in subaxial cer—vical facet dislocations [J].J Neurosurg Spine,2015,23 (1): 35.41
[5]Bunmaprasert Roobsoong A,Pongmanee S,et a1.Safety en—try point,size and direction for placement of thoracic pediclescrew —a cadaveric study[J].J Med Assoc Thai,2014,97(12):1344—1351.
[6]Liu HF ,Won HS,Chung IH,et a1.Morphological characteris—tics of the cranial root of the accessory nerve [J].Clin Anat ,2014,27(8):1 167—1 173.
[7]Kwan MK,Chiu CK,Lee CK,et a1.Comparison between ercutaneous fluoroscopic-guided and conventio -nal open pedicle screw placement techniques for the thoracic spine:a safety evaluation in human cad -avers[J].Bone Joint J,2015,97 (11):1555—1561.
[8]Bajwa NS,Toy JO,Ahn NU.Estab -lishment of parameters for Cong -enital thoracic stenosis:a study of 700 postmortem specimens [J].Clin Orthop Relat Res,2012,470 (11):3195—3201.
[13]张贵林,荣国威,丁占云,等.脊柱胸腰段骨折术后椎弓根钉断裂及弯曲松动的原因分析[J].中华骨科志杂,2000,2O(8):47O一472., http://www.100md.com(王砚军 刘铁军 胡明恩)
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