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http://www.100md.com 2017年12月1日 特别健康·下半月 2017年第12期




    Chaeyun Jung,YonghyunPark,Seunghui Han et al.Analyzing the Genomes of Coxsackievirus A16 and Enterovirus 71 in Relation to Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease(HFMD) Using Apriori Algorithm, Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine (SVM)[C].//Intelligent computing theories and methodologies: 11th International Conference, ICIC 2015, Fuzhou, China, August 20-23, 2015,Proceedings,Part I.2015:539-545.




    Chen,J.,Fu,Y.,Ju,L. et al.Detection and identification of viralPathogens inPatients with hand, foot, and mouth disease by multilocusPCR, reverse-transcriptionPCR and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry[J].Journal of clinical virology: The officialPublication of thePan American Society for Clinical Virology,2014,59(2):115-119.

    訚利民,李丽娟.社区卫生服务中心传染病预防控制有关问题探讨[J].中国卫生产业,2013,55(16):36,38., 百拇医药(张俊东)
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