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    Belgian Association for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine


    Number of Sleep Medicine Centers

    (link to their titles and locations)

    72 centres are officially authorised to prescribe CPAP therapy(“CPAP convention centres”).

    Another 28 centres perform sleep studies without a license to offer CPAP.

    Number of Sleep Research Centers

    (link to their titles and locations)

    8 centres of excellence publish regularly in peerreviewed scientific journals:

    University of Antwerp(UAUZA):wwwuzabe

    Free University of Brussels(ULB):wwwulbacbe

    Free University of Brussels(VUB):wwwvubacbe

    University of Ghent(Ug):wwwugentbe

    University of Leuven(KUL Leuven):wwwkuleuvenbe

    University of Liege(Ulg):wwwulgacbe

    Universite Catholique Louvain(UCL Brussels):wwwuclouvainbe

    Hopital Andre Vesale(Charleroi):wwwchucharleroibe Accreditation/Certification procedure

    No SMC accreditation procedure;

    Professionals in sleep medicine receive a certificate of appropriate knowledge when they succeed the ISMC exam

    Postgraduate interuniversity course in French language comes with a certificate

    Educational programs ISMC

    Sleep course of the Lowlands(Netherlands and Flanders)

    Postgraduate interuniversity course in French language Present activities,working groups,task forces

    The following activities are managed by subcommittees:





    European Affairs

    Sleep & Society

    Press & Communication

    Foundation year 2002,officially registered 2008

    Webpage none

    Number of members 30 Composition of members


    Neurologists 25%,Pneumologists 15%,Neurophysiologists 20%,Neuropsychologists 5%,ENT 5%,Psychologists 10%,Cardiologists 10%,Biomedical Engineers 5%,IT specialists 5%.Professors 3,AssocProf8,PhD 12,DSci 3,MD 29

    Historical perspective of the society

    The Bulgarian Society of Sleep Medicine was founded in 2002,but the official registration took place in 2008.

    First experimental and clinical sleep studies in Bulgaria were performed in early 1960s.

    Main topics at present:Sleep disordered breathing(SBD)and cognitive impairment,Sleep in neurology;

    SBD and cardiovascular comorbidity,Sleep at high altitude,EDS,Drowsy drivingMetabolic, http://www.100md.com
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