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http://www.100md.com 2019年1月1日 《世界睡眠医学杂志》 20191
     摘要 中医药治疗失眠有数千年的历史,其疗效稳定,不良反应少,在失眠的治疗中发挥着不可或缺的作用。《黄帝内经》记载神、魂、意、魄、志分属五脏所藏,五神安舍五脏则寤寐有常。笔者认为不寐的临床辨证论治当从五脏入手,并以心肝为主。

    关键词 五脏;五神;不寐

    Abstract The “Yellow Emperor′s Inner Classic” records that the spirit,soul,intention,Po and mind belong to the five Viscera,and when the five gods are hidden by five viscera,we can sleep well.The author believes that the clinical syndrome differentiation of insomnia should start from the five viscera and we should firstly focus on the heart and liver.

    不寐影响人们的正常工作、生活、学习和健康[1] ......
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