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http://www.100md.com 2019年1月1日 《世界睡眠医学杂志》 20191
     摘要 赵杰教授运用温阳法结合五脏功能观,阐释了广泛性焦虑病因病机,认为其不能耐受负性生活事件的刺激只是疾病之标,内在阳气不足以满足人体高等功能需求才是起病之本,病位在心、肝,故处方以补坎益离丹化裁恢复心肾轴阳气循环为主,兼顾肝阳。

    关键词 广泛性焦虑;中医;温阳法

    Abstract Professor Zhao Jie explained the etiology and pathogenesis of generalized anxiety by combining the function of the five Zang organs with the method of warming yang, It is considered that the irritation of negative life events is only the sign of disease, and that the internal yang qi is not enough to meet the high functional needs of the human body is the origin of the disease ......
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