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http://www.100md.com 2019年9月1日 《世界睡眠医学杂志》 20199
     摘要目的:研究急性脑梗死患者的睡眠障碍与其焦虑、抑郁情绪的相关性。方法:选取2018年1—9月南京医科大学第二附属医院神经内科收治急性脑梗死患者70例(急性脑梗死组),健康体检者70例(对照组),应用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,PSQI)评定2组的睡眠质量。急性脑梗死组根据睡眠情况分为睡眠障碍组33例,无睡眠障碍组37例。同时应用综合医院焦虑/抑郁(Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale,HAD)情緒测定表对各组进行焦虑和抑郁评分。结果:急性脑梗死组睡眠障碍发生率、PSQI总分及主观睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠紊乱、安眠药物使用情况、日间功能紊乱的得分、焦虑和抑郁评分均显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。急性脑梗死组主观睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠紊乱、日间功能紊乱的发生率均显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义P<0.05)。急性脑梗死睡眠障碍组的焦虑评分显著高于急性脑梗死无睡眠障碍组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:急性脑梗死患者睡眠障碍发生率及睡眠障碍严重程度高,且更易出现焦虑情绪。


    Study on Correlation Between the Sleep Disorders and the Anxiety/Depression of Acute Cerebral Infarction Patients

    Zhang Jin,Pan Fenghua,Wu Jin

    (Department of Neurology,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210011,China)

    AbstractObjective:To study the correlation between the sleep disorders and the anxiety/depression of acute cerebral infarction(ACI)patients.Methods:Seventy ACI patients served as an observation group and seventy healthy persons undergoing physical examination served as a control group in this study.Their sleep quality was evaluated by pittsburgh sleep quality index(PSQI)scale.Patients in ACI group were further divided into sleep disorder group(n=33)and sleep disorder-free group(n=37).Then,hospital anxiety and depression(HAD)scale was used to compare anxiety,depression score of each group.Results:The incidence of sleep disorders,PSQI total score and scores of sleep quality,time for falling asleep,sleep time,sleep efficiency,sleep disturbance,hypnotic,daytime dysfuction,HAD score of anxiety and depression in ACI group was significantly higher than those in control group(P<0.05).The incidence of two-three PSQI scores of sleep quality,time for falling asleep,sleep time,sleep efficiency,sleep disturbance and daytime dysfuction(P<0.01)in ACI group was significantly higher than those in control group(P<0.05).HAD score of anxiety in ACI disorder group was higher than that in ACI sleep disorder-free group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The incidence and severity of sleep disorders in ACI patients were high,and patients in ACI group with sleep disorders have more obvious anxiety.

    Key WordsAcute cerebral infarction; Sleep disorder; Anxiety; Depression


    睡眠障碍指睡眠的数量、质量、时间及节律紊乱,临床常见的睡眠障碍类型包括睡眠呼吸紊乱、失眠、昼夜节律异常、睡眠相关运动障碍等[1]。国内外研究显示[2-3]睡眠障碍与卒中后常见的焦虑、抑郁情绪有复杂的双向联系,两者不仅影响卒中患者神经功能康复和生命质量,也是脑卒中复发的重要危险因素。本研究探讨70例急性脑梗死患者的睡眠障碍与焦虑、抑郁情绪的关系,旨在为脑梗死患者的综合治疗、改善患者预后及减少复发提供一定的临床依据和思路。, 百拇医药(张瑾 潘凤华 吴晋)
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