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http://www.100md.com 2020年2月1日 《世界睡眠医学杂志》 20202
     摘要 目的:維持型血液透析后发生睡眠障碍的患者通过护理进行干预,对患者的睡眠质量以及生命质量的改善效果进行评价。方法:选取2016年7月至2019年7月重庆市开州区人民医院收治的进行维持性血液透析发生睡眠障碍患者60例作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法随机分为对照组和观察组,每组30例,对照组患者则通过常规护理进行干预,观察组患者通过多方位护理进行干预,2组患者的睡眠质量以及生命质量的评分进行评价,从而研究护理干预的影响作用。结果:观察组患者的睡眠质量评分(2.46±0.59)分,对照组患者的睡眠质量评分为(13.63±1.98)分,观察组患者的睡眠质量得到明显的提高,睡眠质量评分得到显著改善,生命质量评分由生理功能、精神健康、情感职能、社会功能进行评分,观察组患者的生命质量评分远高于对照组患者,组间比较之后,发现组间差异十分显著,经统计软件计算,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:维持性血液透析后的患者出现睡眠障碍,通过针对性的护理干预方法进行干预,可以有效提高患者的睡眠质量评分以及生命质量评分,值得推广以及应用。

    关键词 多方位护理;维持型血液透析;睡眠障碍;影响效果

    Effect of Nursing Intervention on Patients with Sleep Disorders in Maintenance Hemodialysis

    BIAN Qunguan,TANG Jinsheng

    (Kaizhou District People′s Hospital,Chongqing 405400,China)

    Abstract Objective:Patients with sleep disorder after maintenance hemodialysis were treated with nursing intervention to evaluate the sleep quality and the improvement effect of life quality.Methods:From July 2016 to July 2019,60 patients with sleep disorder undergoing maintenance hemodialysis were randomly divided into control group and observation group according to patients in each group according to random digital table method.Patients in control group were intervened by routine nursing,patients in observation group by multi-directional nursing,sleep quality and life quality score in 2 groups were evaluated to study the effect of nursing intervention.Results:The sleep quality score of the patients in the observation group(2.46±0.59)and the sleep quality score of the control group(13.63±1.98)were significantly improved,and the sleep quality score of the patients in the observation group was significantly improved,The quality of life score was scored by physiological function,mental health,emotional function and social function.The quality of life score of the observation group was much higher than that of the control group.After the comparison between the groups,it was found that the difference between the groups was very significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:The patients with sleep disorder after maintenance hemodialysis can improve the sleep quality score and life quality score effectively through targeted nursing intervention., 百拇医药(卞群官 唐晋升)
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