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http://www.100md.com 2014年8月1日 《中国医疗管理科学》 20144
     【摘要】目的 探讨肺结核患者咯血的有效护理方法 方法 除对证进行抢救外, 需要加强护理,尤其是心理护理及饮食护理,并严密观查用药变化及用药后的反应,而且护士应镇静但不失热情,迅速但无差错。结果 提高了肺结核咯血患者的预后。结论咯血是急危重症,抢救 定要争分夺秒,还要娴熟、敏锐、镇静,尤其是护理工作一定要跟得上。以提高抢救成功率。

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the method of patients with hemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis in the effective nursing method on rescue, the need to strengthen the nursing, especially the psychological nursing and diet nursing, and closely observe changes and medication use after the reaction, and the nurse should calm but do not lose enthusiasm, fast and error free. Results improve the prognosis of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis hemoptysis.


    咯血是肺结核病常见的并发症之一,约1/3的肺结核患者有不同程度的咯血 ......

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