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[4]Narayan KM, Boyle Jp, Geiss LS, et al.ImPaet of recent inerease in ineidence on future diabetes burden:U.S.,2005-050[ J].Diabetes Care,2006,29:2114一 2116
[5]MeGarryJD.Bantingleeture2001:Dysregulation of fatty aeid metabolism in the etiology of tyPe2diabetes[j].Diabetes,2002,51(l):7一18.
[9] Unger RH, Zhou YT.LIPotoxicity of beta一 eells in obesity and other Call’Soffatty acid sPilover[J」.Diabetes,2001,50(SuPPll):5118一121.
[10]许曼音,陆广华,陈名道,等.糖尿病学[M].上海:上海科学技术出版社,2003:189一 196.
[14]Rublno F,Gagner M.Potential of surgery for curing type 2 diabetes mellitus[J].AnnSurg,2002,236(5):554一559
[15]Mason EE.The meehanism of Surgical treatment of type 2 diabetes[J」.ObesSurg,2005,15:459-461., http://www.100md.com(张明辉 雷鹏举)