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http://www.100md.com 2013年7月1日 维吾尔医药2013年第7期
     7. Calt S, Serper A. Time-dependent effects of EDTA on dentin structures. J Endod


    8. da Silva LA, Sanguino AC, Rocha CT. Scanning electron microscopic preliminary study of the efficacy of SmearClear and EDTA for smear layer removal after root canal instrumentation in permanent teeth. J Endod 2008;34:1541–4.

    9. Serafino C, Gallina G, Cumbo E. Surface debris of canal walls after post space preparation in endodontically treated teeth: a scanning electron microscopic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2004;97:381–7.

    10. Serafino C, Gallina G, Cumbo E,. Ultrasound effects after post space preparation: an SEM study. J Endod 2006;32:549–52.

    11. Hu¨ lsmann M, Heckendorff M, Lennon A. Chelating agents in root canal treatment:mode of action and indications for their use. Int Endod J 2003;36:810–30.

    12. Gutarts R, Nusstein J, Reader A. In vivo debridement efficacy of ultrasonic irrigation following hand-rotary instrumentation in human mandibular molars. J Endod 2005;31:166–70. (曲会娟 王香兰 朱立江)
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